Early Years

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Safeguarding for Childcare & HAF Providers

Safeguarding for Holiday Clubs including those providing places through the HAF Scheme

The session provides an introduction to safeguarding for people caring for children from Reception age and older.  You will learn about signs and symptoms of abuse, including County Lines, Prevent Duty and FGM. You will gain an understanding of how to manage disclosure of abuse by a child or young person and the recording and reporting procedures, together with local contact details. This training will also provide information about the role of the LADO and how to manage allegations against staff members in accordance with Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures. This training will support HAF & other Holiday and Childcare Practitioners to recognise abuse and have strategies in place to ensure that this is reported to meet with BSCP requirements and policies.

£30.00 (excl. VAT)

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