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Information and Business Network Group (IABN) - Book here for Childminders
An opportunity for leaders and managers to hear of updates within the Early Years sector
An information, Advice and Business Network briefing aimed at the Leadership and Management teams of Early Years providers, including Childminders.
Information Briefing Session for Childminders Webinar
These are designed to support childminders working within Early Years on a strategic and practical level. In this session we will update on the latest national updates, including DfE, Ofsted and related non-statutory guidance, explore the key messages and implications and bust some myths.
This term the focus will be on early maths development.
This session will provide you with up-to-date current information and news from the early years sector, along with networking opportunities with colleagues and members of the Early Years team.
Practitioners New to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
This course is designed for practitioners new to a setting and new to the EYFS. Suitable for childminders, nursery and preschool staff and those working in school in the Early Years.
- Gain an overview of the ‘Statutory Framework for the EYFS’ and other non-statutory documentation
- Observation, assessment and planning a cycle
- Ensure that the characteristics of effective teaching & learning are at the heart of your practice
- Cultural Capital and implementing a curriculum within the setting
- Understand what we mean by adult-led and child-initiated activities
- Understand the importance of partnership with parents and others
- How to create an enabling environment
Safeguarding for the Childminder Designated Lead
By completing this course, Childminders will have more confidence with their role and responsibility as the Designated Safeguarding Lead, by completing this course Childminders will,
- Have updated your knowledge and understanding of how to recognise risk, respond to concerns and how to make a referral
- Have the tools to help you ensure that staff in the setting have the necessary information and training they need. Lunch is not provided on this course
This course is suitable for Buckinghamshire registered Childminders
Safeguarding for the Childminder Designated Lead Webinar
By completing this course, Childminders will have more confidence with their role and responsibility as the Designated Safeguarding Lead, by completing this course Childminders will
- Have updated your knowledge and understanding of how to recognise risk, respond to concerns and how to make a referral
- Have the tools to help you ensure that staff in the setting have the necessary information and training they need
This course is suitable for Buckinghamshire registered Childminders