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Early Years

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AET - Making Sense of Autism for Childcare & HAF Providers

An introduction to autism and some initial reasonable adjustments that need to be considered when working with autistic children and young people. You will learn about the three area of difference and how they impact on autistic children and young people’s learning and development. There will be some additional materials to support this training including a practical strategies pack sent out once you have confirmed your place. Practitioners will have an opportunity to reflect on practice and learn some practical strategies to take away and use in their setting. 


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Excelling Outdoors - Beyond the Back Garden

Bespoke for Buckinghamshire Childminders

This course will demonstrate how to plan, resource and support children’s learning outside. It engages learners in a series of practical and fun activities that allow childminders to confidently include outdoor play, incorporating risk and challenge, to make learning through play more exciting. The ideas are based on current research and practice to improve learning outcomes. This course will focus on risk and challenge and all areas of learning and development from the EYFS.  As a result of attending this course you will have discussed the following:

  • To increase practitioner knowledge and confidence of delivering engaging and challenging EYFS experiences outside. 
  • To plan and implement quality learning outside, including those arising spontaneously, tailored to meet the needs and development of the children. 
  • To understand the benefits of risk and challenge and how to support this for children and any assistants you may employ. 


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Impact of Early Trauma for Childcare and HAF

Bespoke for Buckinghamshire Childcare and HAF Providers

Impact of Early Trauma on Children and Young people. In this course you will  

  • think about the statistics relating to vulnerable children and young people,  
  • hear about several types of attachment and how these present. 
  • Learn how trauma impacts development. 
  • Hear about supportive strategies  


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Information and Business Network Group (IABN) - Book here for Childminders

An opportunity for leaders and managers to hear of updates within the Early Years sector

An information, Advice and Business Network briefing aimed at the Leadership and Management teams of Early Years providers, including Childminders.



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Information Briefing Session for Childminders Webinar

These are designed to support childminders working within Early Years on a strategic and practical level. In this session we will update on the latest national updates, including DfE, Ofsted and related non-statutory guidance, explore the key messages and implications and bust some myths.

This term the focus will be on early maths development.

This session will provide you with up-to-date current information and news from the early years sector, along with networking opportunities with colleagues and members of the Early Years team. 


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Practical Inclusion for Childcare & HAF Providers

This insightful course explores inclusion in a way that is directly applicable to our children supporting settings to create inclusive play experiences for a diverse range of children. The course encourages learners to embed inclusive practice into every aspect of the running of their settings. It highlights techniques and strategies for inclusion and promotes an underlying ethos of inclusion that underpins the entire organisation. The course also demonstrates a series of multi-level activities and games that are suitable for children of all ages.

 “Access is getting in -  Inclusion is wanting to stay!”* 

 The tutor on this course has managed inclusive projects across the UK working with large numbers of disabled and non-disabled children and has spoken at regional and national conferences on inclusive play.

 *Quote from Kids Inclusion Project


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Practitioners New to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

This course is designed for practitioners new to a setting and new to the EYFS. Suitable for childminders, nursery and preschool staff and those working in school in the Early Years.

  • Gain an overview of the ‘Statutory Framework for the EYFS’ and other non-statutory documentation
  • Observation, assessment and planning a cycle
  • Ensure that the characteristics of effective teaching & learning are at the heart of your practice
  • Cultural Capital and implementing a curriculum within the setting
  • Understand what we mean by adult-led and child-initiated activities
  • Understand the importance of partnership with parents and others
  • How to create an enabling environment 


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Safeguarding for the Childminder Designated Lead

By completing this course, Childminders will have more confidence with their role and responsibility as the Designated Safeguarding Lead, by completing this course Childminders will,

  • Have updated your knowledge and understanding of how to recognise risk, respond to concerns and how to make a referral
  • Have the tools to help you ensure that staff in the setting have the necessary information and training they need. Lunch is not provided on this course

This course is suitable for Buckinghamshire registered Childminders



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Safeguarding for the Childminder Designated Lead Webinar

By completing this course, Childminders will have more confidence with their role and responsibility as the Designated Safeguarding Lead, by completing this course Childminders will 

  •  Have updated your knowledge and understanding of how to recognise risk, respond to concerns and how to make a referral
  •  Have the tools to help you ensure that staff in the setting have the necessary information and training they need

This course is suitable for Buckinghamshire registered Childminders


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Seeing Beyond Behaviour for Childcare & HAF Providers

This webinar training session allows HAF and Childcare Practitioners opportunity to consider effective strategies for supporting children’s emotional development and behaviour.  

Through learning about the main behaviour principles and reflecting on specific case studies practitioners will have an opportunity to develop the skills that will impact on all children and young people.


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The Power of Play

Children need and deserve to learn through rich, varied and imaginative experiences, which challenge their thinking, encourage the highest levels of motivation and engagement and enable them to consistently demonstrate and develop characteristics of effective learning.

Child-initiated learning provides a well-researched and highly effective way of doing this. However in order to ensure challenge and progression, the role of the adult is crucial in providing an enabling environment and appropriate support for children as they access this.

Kym Scott, the trainer will guide delegates through how to provide all of the above during this exciting course. She'll highlight numerous ways of improving progress in all areas of learning and development through tuning into how children learn best, their passions and preoccupations, and providing resources and adult interactions that support this.

Examples of inspiring practice from early years classrooms and settings will be used to illustrate rich and challenging play based experiences, indoors and out.

Participants will:

  • Hear the latest research around young children's learning and the key role of play within this.
  • Develop greater understanding of the key role of the adult in sensitively supporting and extending children’s self- initiated play.
  • Explore how to develop the learning environment indoors and outdoors so that it maximises the potential for learning at the highest levels.

Please note lunch is not provided.



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Working Together To Get It Right - Inclusion Conference for ChiIdcare and HAF Providers

Conference arranged by Buckinghamshire Early Years Service alongside 'Activity Alliance' which is designed to develop key skills and knowledge in SEND, Inclusion & Safeguarding in the Out of School Childcare sector.


The focus will be

  • Inclusive Activity Workshop – how to create inclusive spaces for children and young people to access physical activity
  • Creating a Visually Rich Environment for children and young people
  • Buckinghamshire Safeguarding and SEND procedures relevant to the OOSC sector including the Role of the LADO and Managing Allegations
  • News, reviews, and updates with opportunities to network with other OOSC practitioners and Early Years Service representatives.
How inclusive are you - do you take time to audit your provision?
Feedback from children and young children tell us that sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest difference 
Learn about strategies that support all children and particularly those with SEND and additional needs 
Share experiences with colleagues, hear from young people about what’s important to them and have an opportunity to ask questions that relate to your setting 
There will be some resources to support your practice which you will receive on the day 


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