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AET - Making Sense of Autism for Childcare & HAF Providers
An introduction to autism and some initial reasonable adjustments that need to be considered when working with autistic children and young people. You will learn about the three area of difference and how they impact on autistic children and young people’s learning and development. There will be some additional materials to support this training including a practical strategies pack sent out once you have confirmed your place. Practitioners will have an opportunity to reflect on practice and learn some practical strategies to take away and use in their setting.

Building a Unique Curriculum for Childminders - Webinar
A coherently planned and well-sequenced curriculum enables children to make progress by knowing more, understanding more and being able to do more. In the early years, the curriculum enables all children to make progress in the areas of learning. In this way, early education provides the building blocks of knowledge for subjects that children will study in later years. (Ofsted, Best Start in Life: Setting the Scene, November 2022)
These two sessions will focus on how to build a unique curriculum for your childminding setting, what needs to be considered when planning one, as well as how to put your curriculum into practice.
This course will help you to identify your main curricular goals that you would like the children to achieve whilst they are with you. Consideration for your community of children and their needs and experiences will be taken into account. What do you want to teach them? How is your curriculum reflected in the opportunities that you give your children?
As part of the course, we will also be considering how to introduce new vocabulary through the use of books, songs, poems and rhymes.

Impact of Early Trauma on Children and Young People for HAF & OOS Settings
Bespoke for Buckinghamshire Childcare and HAF Providers
Impact of Early Trauma on Children and Young people. In this course you will
- think about the statistics relating to vulnerable children and young people,
- hear about several types of attachment and how these present.
- Learn how trauma impacts development.
- Hear about supportive strategies

Information and Business Network Group (IABN) - Book here for Childminders
An opportunity for leaders and managers to hear of updates within the Early Years sector
An information, Advice and Business Network briefing aimed at the Leadership and Management teams of Early Years providers, including Childminders.

Information Briefing Session for Childminders Webinar
These are designed to support childminders working within Early Years on a strategic and practical level. In this session we will update on the latest national updates, including DfE, Ofsted and related non-statutory guidance, explore the key messages and implications and bust some myths.
This session will provide you with up-to-date current information and news from the early years sector, along with networking opportunities with colleagues and members of the Early Years team.

Practitioners New to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
This course is designed for practitioners new to a setting and new to the EYFS. Suitable for childminders, nursery and preschool staff and those working in school in the Early Years.
- Gain an overview of the ‘Statutory Framework for the EYFS’ and other non-statutory documentation
- Observation, assessment and planning a cycle
- Ensure that the characteristics of effective teaching & learning are at the heart of your practice
- Cultural Capital and implementing a curriculum within the setting
- Understand what we mean by adult-led and child-initiated activities
- Understand the importance of partnership with parents and others
- How to create an enabling environment

Safeguarding for Childminders, Childcare & HAF Providers
Safeguarding for Holiday Clubs including those providing places through the HAF Scheme
The session provides an introduction to safeguarding for people caring for children from Reception age and older. You will learn about signs and symptoms of abuse, including County Lines, Prevent Duty and FGM. You will gain an understanding of how to manage disclosure of abuse by a child or young person and the recording and reporting procedures, together with local contact details. This training will also provide information about the role of the LADO and how to manage allegations against staff members in accordance with Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures. This training will support HAF & other Holiday and Childcare Practitioners to recognise abuse and have strategies in place to ensure that this is reported to meet with BSCP requirements and policies.

Safeguarding for the Childminder Designated Lead
By completing this course, Childminders will have more confidence with their role and responsibility as the Designated Safeguarding Lead, by completing this course Childminders will,
- Have updated your knowledge and understanding of how to recognise risk, respond to concerns and how to make a referral
- Have the tools to help you ensure that assistants have the necessary information and training they need. Lunch is not provided on this course
This course is suitable for Buckinghamshire registered Childminders

Safeguarding for the Childminder Designated Lead Webinar
By completing this course, Childminders will have more confidence with their role and responsibility as the Designated Safeguarding Lead, by completing this course Childminders will
- Have updated your knowledge and understanding of how to recognise risk, respond to concerns and how to make a referral
- Have the tools to help you ensure that staff in the setting have the necessary information and training they need
This course is suitable for Buckinghamshire registered Childminders
Aims and purpose
▪ Reflect on the signs and indicators of abuse and neglect
▪ Consider the role and responsibilities of the childminder as the designated lead
▪ Understand how to make a quality referral to children’s services – social care
▪ Consider the necessity for information sharing, confidentiality and good record keeping
▪ Understand local early intervention processes

Seeing Beyond Behaviour for Childcare & HAF Providers
This webinar training session allows HAF and Childcare Practitioners opportunity to consider effective strategies for supporting children’s emotional development and behaviour.
Through learning about the main behaviour principles and reflecting on specific case studies practitioners will have an opportunity to develop the skills that will impact on all children and young people.